PROJECT Y aka. Fake it till you make it

Concert, party, and play all in one.
Show: June 14, 2019 at SUB Wiener Neustadt
Framework: "Project Y" by glashaus
"Three boys in their late twenties go out. And it could be so much fun. Instead, one of them loses his mind, one his dignity, and one of them hadn't brought either to begin with; but at least he gets to shag on the toilet. No one has reason to celebrate, yet everyone does anyhow. Y? When the Generation Y has a party, everything is possible - and survival optional.
PROJECT Y is concert, party, AND play! Celebrate an evening out with live music at the SUB Halle, where the actors and actresses perform as guests themselves: they dance on the dancefloor and order drinks at the bar, just like you. PROJECT Y is not participatory theatre, but as a member of the audience, you experience up close just what can happen in a single night of Gen Y frolicking ..."
Johanna König as Lisa (luv_lisa_luv)
Gideon Maoz as Denny (dennis_t)
Tobias Ofenbauer as Feix (der_fertige_bärtige)
Dominic M. Singer as Patzi (patzi_pan)
Elena Schwarz as Indigo
Horny Women as Horny Women (now Fleks)
Production Management - Birgit Klauser (glashaus)
Direction & Dramaturgy - Elena Schwarz (glashaus)
Music - Horny Women (now Fleks)
Assistant Director - Victoria Lipp
Visuals and Graphics - René Haller
Lighting - David Horvath
Sound - Ronald Dangl
Script - Thomas Kodnar
Gallery: pictures by klubkunst (Dominik Perchtold)